Sunday, September 21, 2014

I signed up on Stitch Fix:)

Okaaay, here is the entry in English;)
One of my lovely client has been enjoying and introduced me to this program called " Stitch Fix".
I have been admiring how fun she has been having with her new outfits she received from Stitch Fix every time she updates her Facebook page.
So I decided to give it a try!
Stitch Fix is a online program that hand pick you items ( outfits ) with initial styling fees of $20. ( That $20 will be a credit toward your total amount if you decide to purchase any..) It is like having a profeccional stylists just for you. You can try items in the privacy of your own home, and you can even mix and match with your existing items.
At first I was a bit worry to rely on a stranger that never met me to choose my outfits , but I started to thinking it may be actually good as she probably won't judge me, but ( hopefully!) she will need to depend on her first impression of me based on the information she gets about me. 
When you sign up with Stitch Fix, there will be series of questionnaires that you need to answer. It may take up for a few minutes but it is very important to let them know what you like and dislike. You will be answering about your size , favorite style, fit, designs ( floral, stripes, geometric, etc.), colors ( yesss! this is very important!) etc.....
If you feel comfortable, you can even provide them links to your SNS so they can actually see how you look like or what you like and dislike. ( SNS like Pinterest, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc.)
In my case, I provided them my website ( ) so they could actually see my profile picture and know what I really do.( yup! what do I do?)
Please know that it is up to you to decide how much information to provide. ( Very very important!)
So here is my second batch of StitchFix package just arrived last week.
This time there were 5 items in my package.
They came with helpful style card suggestions for each item.
When you sign up, you can set all the options of how you would like to receive the package.
You can choose how many items, what type of items ( tops only? no bottoms?, no jewelry? etc.), how often to receive the package ( every month?, every other month? ).
You can even choose to cancel the program if you find it not working for you.
What I like about this program is if you find some items don't work then I can simply use the enclosed prepaid envelope to return them. I pay for only the items I like!
Here are my 5 items that I received this time....

If you know me in person, you probably can guess which ones are my keepers??
This time I only want to keep the bottom two items as other three items didn't seem to work for upcoming season and most of all, they are not quite my colors;(
If I decided to keep all five items, they offer 25% off of the total price, but unfortunately I could only keep two items this time....
Well, after all I only need to keep/pay what I love!
This type of program may not be for everyone, but I am taking this like a " lucky package" I receive once a month.  If you have a very limited to time to shop for your outfit, this may be a fun way to explore what may be making you look cooler!
If you would like to explore this program, click here to check them out!
I am already looking forward to my third package. I hope they can surprise me even more next time!
Have a color filled day;)
Until next time,

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